Wednesday, January 28, 2015

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Islamic Education For Children

Author : ASIM

Islamic education is an education of faith and optimism. It is based on the fact that the Qur'an , the teaching of prophet (peace be upon him), and the behavior of  the prophet's companions, disciples and the Muslim ulma give the thinkers and the Islamic community guidance and  good conduct, the virtuous life, and salvation of Hereafter.

Islamic education has a message. One of is aims to unite Muslims in one coherent community, the Ummah, and prepare them to disseminate the message of Islam. Therefore it is develops in the Muslim a sense of responsibility can grow only on a basis of freedom and dignity. It is mean to bring about harmony and solidarity.

Islamic education is an education for society and civilization. Undoubtedly, a Muslim may live the life of a recluse if he so choose; but Islamic education need a human community to crystallize its system and show how this is organized. To flourish, its need the Muslim community (ummah). Besides being in favour of peace, tolerance, forgiveness and kindness. Islam emphasizes the needs of a Muslim society to be strong and free, to have power and authority so that it governs people according to Islamic law.

Objectives of training in Islam.
  1. To prepare the child for life with a clear consciousness of his mission in life. 
  2. To instill in the child a deep sense of belonging to Islam. 
  3. To help the child to grow up with a balance personality. 
  4. To inspire the child to grow up with a firm commitment to obey Allah's commands as demonstrated by the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) 
  5. To help the child to acquire the necessary skills to enable him to constructively contribute to the well being of the society in which he lives.
Nature of education

According to Ibne Khaldun, nature of education is four dimensional: 
  1. Its enable the people to plan for action, which may promote the interest of society. 
  2. It tries to go beyond sensory knowledge. 
  3. It developed good habits for which religion is essential because it is the civilizer of morals and purifier of the soul as well as he promoter of a spirit of cooperation in society. 
  4. Its ensure means of live hood. He acknowledges teaching as a profession, unlike al-Ghazali who does not allow a teacher to receive payment for the instructions he gives.
The great mystic al-Ghazzali is the great interpreter of Muslims ideals of education. He declares the knowledge is an excellence in itself. It is the means of acquiring a share I the next world. Closeness of God can be reached only through knowledge.
Al-ghazzali's theory of Nature of education
He holds parents responsible for looking after their children in a proper manner, as he consider a child a mirror , ready to reflect anything  put in front of him as well as a scared trust in the hands of the parent. He says that through education a child can turn into a good citizen or a criminal

Training of a child, in his views, should being with the teaching of table manners as a child is exposed to eating as the first occupation in life. He has given details of there manners as well as to what kind of dress he should wear. He does not approve of colorful and silken dress for boys.
Among the general rules for the training of a child, he include that
Rules  for the training of a child
  • A child should not be allowed to do any thing secretly.
  • He should be the physical exercise daily in order to be fit to work.
  • Poor children should be made to understand that accepting charity from others is detrimental to their self-respect.
  • A child should be necessarily made to conform the manner of society as well as to refrain from swearing, calling names, using vulgar and abusive language, etc
  • A child be allowed to play after ha has come back from the school
  • Habits of patience and forbearance should be inculcated in him.
The ultimate aim if Islamic education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah at the level of the individual, the community and humanity. The Islamic education should also not forget the socioeconomic aspects of individuals and society.



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